About Us

Mr. Brajesh Gautam, renowned social worker established a trust in the name of Spiritual Nector of Wisdom (SNOW) in 2022 to connect the common people with their roots. Brajesh Gautam ji is a renowned astrologer, vastu expert and spiritual mentor serving the human kind for over 3 decades.

He has helped thousands of people across the boundary like India, UK, Canada, USA, Nepal to come out from stress, depression and mental agony.

Mr. Gautam conducts free classes on spirituality every Sunday for worldwide participants and has transformed the lives of several thousands people across the globe.

His classes are easily available on Youtube “The anchor of life with Brajesh Gautam” Mr. Brajesh also provides mentorship and spiritual classes on demand for the cause of his trust strong>SNOW. In India, SNOW is helping poor, handicapped, orphans, old aged, mentally retired and under privileged women, girls and widows irrespective of caste, creed, color or religion.

His aim is to provide teachings and learnings of ancient education along with modern science amongst new generations.

To help such girls in their marriage who are finding it difficult to get married due to financial crisis or for some other reason.

To establish, maintain, improve and assist in the establishment, maintenance, running and development of medical institutions, dispensaries and hospital for the benefit of the poor without distinction of caste, creed or religion.